Thursday, November 8, 2007

Back acne treatment, cure, homeremedy

adolescense ages. This form of acne is very tough to treat. Back acne is prevalent, and often harder to treat than facial acne. The back is made of tough skin with thousands of sebaceous glands that produce a lot of oil.

The bacne regimen is identical to the regular regimen with the addition of an 8-10% glycolic acid (alpha hydroxy) lotion. I have found this product on store shelves here in the States, most notably at Rite-Aid, my favorite product being Alpha Hydrox Enhanced Lotion.

Breakouts on your back come from wearing tight-fitting clothes, which trap perspiration against your skin. You can avoid 'bacne' by showering immediately after workouts, exfoliating any oily build-up with a loofah on a regular basis and treating any breakouts with a benzoyl peroxide treatment.

In back acne, if the inflammation is right near the surface than the patient gets a pustule. If infection is deeper, it forms papule. Deeper still acne causes cysts which are the worst form of acne and carry the possibility of permanent scarring.

In back acne, if the extra sebum breaks through the skin it causes a whitehead, and if the head of the plug becomes dark due to the skin pigment melanin, it is called a blackhead.

Most probably, the simpler forms of acne might disappear with daily hygienic routine but as cystic acne goes deep into the skin and causes permanent scarring, it should be given more medical attention than simple pustules or blackheads on the back.

Home remedy for back acne
10 leaves of basil, petals of marigold flower, 1/4 of a cucumber: Grind all together and apply regularly for a few days.