Cellulite mostly occurs in the age of 25 to 35 in the women and become worse with time. At the beginning of it the connective tissues of the body have a soft consistency and are not painful and in this stage mucus invades the tissues. It first appears on the inside of thighs and the knees. Three contributing agent which are heredity, estrogen, and fat are responsible for developing the Cellulite Condition. At a later stage pinching the skin becomes painful and can also produce wrinkles on the skin and therefore skin becomes rough, grayish and cold. It occurs in knees, ankles, hips, nape of the neck etc.
There are four stages of cellulite which are given below-
(minor)-In the first stage cellulite is invisible even if pinched there is no dimple but you may see only “folds and furrows”. It presents in the body but people can't see it.
(concern)-No dimpling while the subject is standing or lying but orange peel" texture can be seen when the skin is pinched.
(problem)-In this stage cellulite is visible at the time of standing and not when lying down.
(severe)-In this stage visible cellulite at the time of both standing as well as lying down.