What is eye stye?
A stye is a small boil on the eyelid. It may look quite alarming if the eye closes up, but homeopathic treatment usually brings a response. A Stye is a common infection of the hair follicle of an eyelash, resembling a sore similar to a boil or a pimple in the gland at the edge of the eyelid which leads to blockage of the hair follicles that may become swollen, nuisance and painful to the touch.
Styes may be treated by making a decoction (prepared from the roots, seeds, stems and other parts of the plants that are boiled in water) of eyebright and chamomile, to help reduce the inflammation. Marigold can be taken internally to stimulate the lymphatic system.
What are causes of eye stye
This disease appears due to debilitated condition of the system. A diagnosis by a physician is not required but advisable because a chalazion can be mistaken for a stye. Chalazion is a non-bacterial lump on the eyelid caused by a blocked mucous gland under the eye. Your physician may examine your eyelid to determine the cause of the infection. This condition may also appear as result from blocking of the gland by dirt or due to error of refraction.
Symptoms of eye stye
Sometimes, the infection disappears quickly, without forming into a red swelling. But other styes worsen rapidly until the eyelid swells up. In the final stages, the stye will burst and discharge pus, causing the eyelid to stick together during the night in severe cases.
-pain in the eye or eyelid, especially when blinking or to the touch
-redness of the eyelid itself
-blurred vision of the affected eye
-swelling of the eyelid
Stye Treatment - How to get rid of a stye?
Treatment is usually either medical or surgical. Particularly for small ones, medical treatment may be advisable. Oral antibiotics are rarely helpful in most cases since this is an inflammation of the gland, not an infection. However, antibiotic/cortisone drops or ointment can be helpful to keep the bacteria count of the eyelid down and decrease the swelling of the eyelid. The BEST treatment for this is HOT compresses to the eyelid. Wrap a hot washcloth in Saran Wrap to keep the heat in the washcloth and place it over your eyelid as often as you possibly can. The lesion often will "come to a head" and drain out. If this doesn't happen, you should consider surgical drainage by a simple office procedure. Sometimes, the chalazion is so large that medical treatment is not advised and immediate drainage is required. You should be evaluated by your eye care specialist before starting any treatment. Also, recurrent chalazia/styes can be a sign of a very rare eyelid tumor and should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist.
Home Remedies To Treat A Eye Stye.
Boil 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds with a cupful of water like an herbal tea preparation to wash the eyes 3-4 times a day.
Boil a handful of acacia leaves in two cups of water. Make a decoction and use as a compress on the eyelids. It reduces swelling and pain. Helps to get rid of a stye.
1 teaspoon of turmeric in 2 cups of water until it reduces in half. Cool and strain 4-5 times through a fine muslin. Apply as eye drops 3-4 times a day.
Guava leaves, warmed and placed on a warm damp cloth, and then used as a compress, reduce the redness, pain and swelling.
Slit an aloe leaf lengthwise and place the pulpy side on the sore eye.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Home Remedies for Eye Stye Treatment and Prevention- How To treat a Stye?
en 10:04 PM
Etiquetas: Skin diseases