Massage is supposed to break down the fibrous bands. In the past few years, various machines have been introduced which massage the areas which are affected by cellulite. These machine use rolling cylinders to gather areas of skin and massage them inside a chamber but this doesn't show it's effectiveness because's it appears to redistribute fat and doesn't clear it permanently. Herbal products using seaweed, horsetail and clematis and ivy are part of the massage therapy for fighting cellulite. There are different form of massages to treat cellulite and they are as follows-
Deep-Tissue Massage- Deep-tissue massage comprised of slow strokes to create microtears in the superficial fascia and it makes tissue longer and smoother. This kind of massage followed by lymphatic drainage and appropriate stretching and which makes superficial fascia more flexible. When deep massage is too strong, it may also damage blood vessels, which defeats the benefits for cellulite reduction. If it is done properly it provides complete relaxation and reduce stiffness.
A Sample Do-It-Yourself Massage- This is massage by yourself only but it should not hard which may break capillaries and bruise yourself. Anybody can massage their body any time but the best time is two hours after eating. The most convenient time for women is after a bath or shower. Massaging areas of cellulite once or twice a day improves blood and lymph circulation and minimizes the appearance of the hard fatty lumps.
High-Tech Massage- This procedure is known as endermologie. It is a deep mechanical massage which combines cylindrical rollers and suction to affect the skin's connective tissue and it stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage and eliminate fats from the cells by developing natural systems. The cost of this technique is $300 to $500 a month.