Cellulite is likely to be the result of poor skin structure, causing the fibers to split. This means the fat and yes possibly toxins squish out through the holes in the fibers, creating that lumpy effect. Chances are the problem is genetic and lies with the X-chromosome. While all this may mean Cellulite is not your fault, reducing its appearance is within your control. Strengthening the skin fibers, plumping the skin surface and breaking down the stubborn fat and toxin deposits can help minimize the look of cellulite. There are a number of treatments ranging from the completely ineffective to the slightly effective.
Here is our list of top pick techniques.
Exercise – This is one of the most effective and most permanent solutions for cellulite. Bu shedding excess weight and building muscles, you not only remove excess fat which is prone to dimpling, and you also create a smooth surface to your skin.
Liposuction – This treatment can improve the appearance of cellulite by removing excess fat which is prone to dimpling.
Endermologie – A patented technique involving a mechanized device that has two mechanized rollers and regulated suction. It is used on thighs in combination with firm massage. It is said that this procedure increases circulation which in turns boosts skin firmness and makes skin smoother. The procedure needs to be performed once or twice a week for an average of 10-30 times.
Body Brushing - Some experts claim this is the key to total cellulite removal, saying it helps speed up the lymph system to remove toxins from the body.
Fake Tan - The darker your skin, the less noticiable cellulite will be as the shadows caused by the dimpling will be less obvious.
Massage - As with body brushing, massage is supposed to speed up the circulation, but kneading the cellulite areas is also supposed to help breakdown toxins and fats.