In the true medical sense, cellulite is simply plain old fat which is characterized by dimpled, cottage-cheese, orange-peel look. Cellulite is usually visible on the thighs, buttocks, and lower torso, but in extreme cases, it can appear on the arms, calves, and upper torso. There are various treatment for it for e.g., many doctors treat cellulite with liposuction but it is not that much powerful because it gives temporary result. It is difficult to get rid of cellulite but there are different ways to reduce or even eliminate cellulite. Different exercise, diets and other remedy can help to reduce it.
Following ways can help to eliminate cellulite-
Different kind of exercise such as Inner Thigh Lift and Inner Thigh Press, swimming, and Outer Thigh Leg Lift and Saddlebag Slimmer can help to get rid of cellulite.
15 minutes of aerobic exercise like walking, riding a bicycle or using a stepper can reduce the cellulite.
strength exercises or weight training should be done, it fatigues the muscle and helpful in reducing the cellulite.
reduce the size of your portion of foods that are to be eaten sparingly.
Some foods such as lean meats, cooking oil, fish with high oil content, rice, noodles, pasta, chapatis, eggs, whole milk and whole milk products, potatoes should reduce to get rid of cellulite.
Half fill a bath with warm water and add an anti-cellulite aroma therapy oil blend and take bath of it, this will help to get rid of cellulite.
Three different diet supplement such as ginkgo biloba, sweet clover, grape seed bioflavinoids, bladderwrack extract etc are useful to reduce cellulite.
Various massage such as Deep-Tissue Massage and high-tech massage are useful in reducing the cellulite.
Different creams, lotions and other treatment such as mesotherapy and endermologie can be used in getting rid of cellulite.