Mix 1 cup distilled water and a 1/4 cup Cider Vinegar, and pour over your hair, gently massaging the scalp and rinse well.
Cut off a piece of the root and peel the brown off of the root until you have exposed the white root inside. Once clean take a hammer, smash the Yucca root until it breaks in pieces. Wet the Yucca root, while holding the root over a basin of warm water, rub the root like a bar of soap to get mounds of lather from it. Wash your hair with the lather for a few minutes and then rinse well.
Recipe for a gentle homemade shampoo:
2 pt. water
2 lb. 10 oz. olive oil
1 lb. 7 ox. of solid-type vegetable shortening
1 1/2 oz. glycerine
1/2 oz. alcohol
10 1/4 oz. lye
1 1/2 oz castor oil
1 lb. coconut oil
Mix all the oils in a container and set the container in a large pan.
Mix the lye solution with 2 pints of cold water and stir steadily. After cooling, pour lye solution into a glass pan and set in some large container. Bring both to between 95° and 98° F - this will mean pouring either cold or hot water into the pans, depending on the original temperature of the ingredients.
Mix this lye solution to the oils, pouring in a steady stream while continuing to stir. The mixture will turn opaque and brownish, then will lighten. It's ready when its surface can support a drop of mixture for a moment. The consistency should be like sour cream. Stir in 1 1/2 oz. glycerine 1/2 oz. alcohol and 1 1/2 oz castor oil. Add any colorants, scents you desire.
Now, you can pour the mixture into molds and allow to harden, then make the shampoo as you need it by shaving off flakes and boiling in water until they dissolve - about 1 pound of shavings per gallon of water. Or, you can add more water to mixture, boil, and allow to cool, then place in bottles for use.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Truely Homemade Shampoo
en 8:51 PM
Etiquetas: Home remedy