There are many ancient recipes by which we can make natural antiseptics at home instead of buying commercial disinfectants that we are now finding out may cause drug resistance. These natural alternates are harmless and can be really good for your pocket as well.
Some of the common antiseptics are as follows:
1) Tea tree oil is a powerful antiseptic. Use it for acne, either diluted or full strength.
2) Burdock leaves in a poultice are excellent for boils and swellings, and as a wash for acne.
3) Thyme is a powerful antiseptic making it an excellent wash for pimples
4) Garlic has well known antibiotic properties making it an excellent treatment for pimples and acne. Apply peeled, mashed garlic cloves to pimples and other skin blemishes.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Natural Homemade Antiseptics Disinfectants
en 8:59 PM
Etiquetas: Home remedy