Baking soda can deodorize just about anything, from underarm and foot odors to kitchen sinks. In these situations, it works as a pH-balancer, bringing acidic (think sour milk) and basic (think old fish) odors to a neutral, more odorless, state. (For foot and underarm odors, mix 8 ounces of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of cornstarch to prevent clumping, and apply when needed.)
After Cleansing pH Balancer
3 c. distilled water
1/3 c. apple cider vinegar
5 to 10 drops of your favorite essential oil
Combine water, vinegar and your favorite essential oil. Pour into a clean container. To use: moisten a cotton ball and use after cleansing to restore your skin's pH.
Use this cleansing, restoring rinse after your regular cleansing or after any or all of the skin treatments on this page. Apply with clean sterile cotton balls or gauze or simply splash on, being careful to avoid your eyes:
Basic Balancer
3 cups distilled water
1/3 cups apple cider vinegar
Combine water and vinegar. Pour into a clean decorative decanter and store in the bathroom.
Various essential oils or herb infusions (in place of the plain distilled water) may be added to the basic balancer for fragrance and/or therapuedic value:
For oily skin add one of the following oils or infusions:
Calendula (marigold)
Horestail herb
For dry, sensitive skin add one of the following oils or infusions:
Lady's Mantle
Marsh mallow (roots and leaves)
Sweet Violet (flowers and leaves)
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Homemade pH Balancer
en 9:03 PM
Etiquetas: Home remedy