You can add powdered lemon, orange peel, powdered lavender buds, chamomile, calendula etc. to the following scrubs. For dry scrubs, add water to 1 - 2 Tb sp of mixture to make it a paste. Gently massage into skin and rinse well.
Apricot body scrub
Apricot oil, 1/2 tsp
Castor oil, 1 tsp
Beeswax, 1/2 tsp
Sea salt, 1 Tb sp
Almond powder, 1 tsp
Baby Shampoo base, 2 tsp
Melt the beeswax, castor oil, and apricot oil together and mix well. Remove from heat. Add sea salt and almond powder. Stir in the shampoo.
Honey Almond Scrub
2 Tbsp almonds
2 tsp milk
1/2 tsp flour
1/2 tsp honey
Grind almonds in a blender. Add milk, flour and honey, mixing until a thick paste is formed. Rub onto skin, rinse with warm water followed by the pH balancer.
Honey 'n Oats Scrub
1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal
1 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp cider vinegar
1 tsp ground almonds
Moisten face with a warm washcloth then apply mixture to face avoiding the sensitive area around the eyes. Let mixture dry, then remove with a warm, damp washcloth.
Peppermint Patty Scrub: (For Oily Skin)
2 cup rolled oats
1 cup almonds
2 tsp dried lavender
2 tsp dried peppermint
2 cup white cosmetic clay
Grind oats, almonds and herbs to a very fine powder in blender or with a mortar and pestle. Mix ground herbs with clay, store in covered container. To use: mix 1 heaped tsp of mixture with water to make a paste. Massage onto skin then rinse well with warm water.
Rose body scrub
Sea salt, 1 Tb sp
Rolled oat, 1/4 cup
Milk (buttermilk or goats mil) Powder, 1/4 cup
Cornmeal, 1 Tb sp
Rose petal powder, 1 Tb sp
Put all ingredients in food processor and process until fine. Add fragrance/essential oils drop by drop while processing.
Orange & Oats Scrubbing Grains
1 cup dried orange peel
1 cup cooked oatmeal
1 cup almonds
Place peels, oats, and almonds in food processor, blend until mixture is a fine powder. Place some in the palm of your hand and moisten with a few drops of warm water. Rub paste onto face in a gentle circular motion. Rinse with warm water.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Homemade Body Scrub Recipe
en 9:01 PM
Etiquetas: Home remedy