Thursday, November 8, 2007

Home remedy to get rid of warts

Skin Warts are noncancerous skin growths caused by a viral infection in the top layer of the skin or mucous membranes.

Viruses that cause warts belong to a "family" called human papillomavirus (HPV).

Warts are usually skin colored and feel rough to the touch, but can be dark, flat or smooth.

Home made remedies for wart
Get any size of potatoe cut a small hole about the size of your wart place on the wart and move it in acirculer way for 30 mins once in the mourning and once at night. doing this kills the roots.The warts or wart will turn a dark colour and fall of.

Solutions containing salicylic acid also work well on Flat warts. Salicylic acids work in a similar fashion to peeling agents, in that they allow the wart's infected skin to break free from the rest of the body, facilitating quicker healing. Apply salicylic acids twice daily for up to 6-weeks.

Thuja is a natural anti-fungal - Facial (flat) warts are hard to treat because the skin on the face is so sensitive. Thuja comes in a liquid form, available at herbal stores. Dab enough Thuja on the warts to cover them morning and night. Allow to dry...they should disappear within 2 weeks

One drop of Lemon (essential) oil applied directly to infected skin can help to eliminate most types of warts.

Aloe has been used for nearly 2,000 years as a wart treatment. Applied externally in cream form or directly from aloe plant, aloe eases discomfort and helps to speed healing.

Take the vitamin E (GEL) capsule and break it open. spread the oil on the warts. then cover with a band aid to seal in the oil. Repeat this twice daily before bed each night and when you wake each morning. Every couple of days, let the infected area dry and take the emory board and file the infected area. when done cover the area once again with the oil and band aid.

The white sap from milkweed is used internationally to treat wart removal. Apply directly from plant or use topical creams.

Rub a banana peel on your warts for about 1 or 2 week. Or as much as possible for two weeks. I guarantee it will be gone no later than 3 weeks after!

Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it directly to the wart. Make sure you bandage it up with gauze and tape. Do this before you go to bed. Leave it on over night. Whenever you wake up you will notice a difference. The only thing to watch out for, is that it can be irritating to the skin and cause redness.

Rub Tea tree oil on wart two times a day within a week or so it will be gone. Use good quality 100% tea tree oil.

Put duck tape on wart. The wart will disappear in about 2 3 weeks.